Annual Reports


The Oorkaan Foundation has an ANBI status. That stands for 'Algemeen Nut Beogende Instelling'. An institution is an ANBI if it is committed to at least 90% for the public benefit. The ANBI status gives access to a large number of tax facilities for donors and for ourselves as a charitable institution. Depending on the personal situation, donations to Oorkaan are tax deductible.

Institutions with an ANBI status are obliged to make a number of documents public. This gives potential financiers an insight into our objectives, activities and our financial situation.

Oorkaan subscribes to these codes:

The Fair Practice Code
The code of conduct for business and work in the cultural and creative sector.

Diversity & Inclusion Code
To make the cultural sector more inclusive. 

Culture Governance Code
A tool for good governance and supervision in the cultural sector.

Oorkaan has an external confidential advisor: Karlijn Mofers

Compensation policy board

Members of the board do not receive compensation. 

Executive remuneration policy
In accordance with collective bargaining agreement for theater and dance 

Staff compensation policy
In accordance with collective bargaining agreement for theater and dance 

Privacy Statement

read HERE our privacy statement.