In the context of the Jeunesse-Oorkaan-Academy trains artistic director Caecilia Thunnissen with a few of Oorkaan's regular trainers, musicians and creators in playing and creating theatrical concerts for young audiences. They work toward creating a piece of scenic material to be presented at the family day at Campus Grafenegg.The academy consists of master classes spread over six months and participation in Triolino, a series of four concerts by Jeunesse - musik.erleben in association with Wiener Konzerthaus For children ages 3 and up.
The successful first pilot of the Jeunesse-Oorkaan-Academy (JOA) took place in 2021. Caecilia Thunnissen trained musicians in Vienna, and was there as a coach for creators. In 2022, the second real edition was rolled out. This time, Thunnissen was able to bring along Oorkaan's three regular game trainers: physical acting trainers Gerindo Kartadinata and Esther Snelder and dance trainer Sarah Reynolds. This edition took place at Grafenegg Castle.
The Oorkaan Method is unique in youth music. It is an innovative method that is not (yet) taught within conservatories and directing schools in the Netherlands. That is why the Oorkaan Method requires the self-training of makers and musicians. The Jeunesse-Oorkaan-Academy is a collaboration between Oorkaan, Jeunesse Wien and the Conservatory of Musik und Kunst Privatuniversität der Stadt Wien (MUK). Students can receive credits through MUK with participation. Four ensembles and four creators are selected each year. In 2022, the selection committee consisted of: Lutz Köller (Elbphilharmonie Hamburg), Constance Cauers (Assitej Austria), Arno SteinwiderJohannsen (flutist and teacher MUK), Christian Schulz (cellist Wiener Symfoniker/conductor), Elisabeth Pöcksteiner (manager JOA) and Caecilia Thunnissen (artistic director JOA/artistic director Oorkaan).
The program

The Jeunesse Oorkaan Academy consists of a four-part master class in spring 2024 and participation in the Jeunesse concert series Triolino for children ages 3 and up in season 2024/2025.
The master class will begin in January 2024 with a one-day online introduction to concert forms for young audiences, followed by the first basic master class in Amsterdam in February 2024 and the intensive master class in Grafenegg, Austria, in March 2024.
In season 2024/2025, there will be four Triolino concerts for children ages 3 and up, each with an ensemble from the Jeunesse-Oorkaan-Academy and a playwright. The productions will be artistically supervised and will also play in the Austrian provinces after their premiere in Vienna.
Previous academy members have been successful in international competitions and auditions after participating. They are regularly requested by theaters and concert halls for new pieces, and academy members' own productions are included in festival programs.