Tickle (2+)


And what happens when that tickle gradually escapes through your mouth, floats on the air, slips through the violin into the marimba, and whoosh, flies into your ears? In a magical visual space, a violin-playing singer, a dancing percussionist and a singing dancer transport you in a light-hearted encounter between dance, music and voice. A children’s concert that tickles all the senses.

Following the international success of Glimpse, which has been performed all over the world since winning the YAMaward in 2015, we present the production Tickle. Tickle has won the Young Audiences Music Awards (YAMawards) 2020 in the category 'Best Small Ensemble'.
Tickle is an international coproduction of Oorkaan, Dutch National Opera & Ballet and Philharmonie Luxembourg.
It's a small-scale production with a maximum audience capacity of 100 children and parents per concert.


On stage

On stage

Baritone Tiemo Wang began his career as a violinist. He has performed in orchestras like Het Gelders Orkest and the Dutch radio orchestras. As a singer, he performed with companies in the Netherlands and abroad, including Dutch National Opera and the Nationale Reisopera. Tiemo has also been working with Silbersee, a production centre for unorthodox music theatre and opera. In Tickle, Tiemo combines singing and playing violin.

Vitaly Medvedev is a percussionist, dancer and a performer. Vitaly studied at the Conservatory in St. Petersburg, Groningen and The Hague. Vitaly regularly works with Slagwerk Den Haag and ensembles like Klang, Asko|Schönberg and Orkater and Schweigman&.

Milang Lie Meeuw Lew graduated in 2015 from the Amsterdam School of the Arts in Jazz Musical. She has toured with The Lion King Asia, worked as a dancer with the company Conny Janssen Danst and performed with the dance company Nanine Linning at the Theater und Orchester Heidelberg (Germany) in the musical Kiss Me Kate. Milang has worked with several choreographers, including Jan Martens, Krisztina and Château Kuinderma.

behind the scenes

behind the scenes

director Caecilia Thunnissen

Caecilia Thunnissen is stage director and artistic director of Oorkaan. She has directed family concerts with the Netherlands Chamber Orchestra and the Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra, including Romeo & Juliette (2018).

Leonard Evers is a composer and conductor. His music includes elements of jazz, world music and contemporary music. For Oorkaan, he composed a. o. the music for Krabat (‘best music Award’).

singing and violin Tiemo Wang
percussion and dance Vitaly Medvedev
dance and voice Milang Lie Meeuw Lew
director Caecilia Thunnissen
composition Leonard Evers
choreography Milena Sidorova
set design Tessa Verbei
costume design Merel van Marken Lichtenbelt
lighting design Tiedo Wilschut
dramaturgy Erin Coppens
tour stage technician Roy van Zon

“Opera for two-year-olds is a daring undertaking. Especially when you don’t present any clear characters or try to tell any kind of a story. But this is precisely why it works.”

The YAMawards Jury About tickle:

“Very high level. The artists are excellent. Many nice ideas and great movements. It is just amazing how sometimes a performance becomes something more. Here it happens. The artists are so skillful in all areas, movements, navigating the stage and communicating. Playing their instruments and singing. The preciseness of all the artistic intentions is a delight. To make art for children from 2 till 5 years and still make it interesting  for all ages, also parents is extremely difficult, but in this production they have nailed it.”

Aankomende concerten

Met het Maat Saxofoon Kwartet
9:00 uur,

International School Utrecht

Superball, Lollipop & Mr. Classic
14:00 uur,

Stadsschouwburg Utrecht

met het Maat Saxophone Quartet
14:00 uur,

VIP Kids première
Podium Mozaïek, Amsterdam

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