Cello Warriors

Cello Warriors

What does courage sound like?
Have you heard of the 8 Cello Warriors? They are strong, nimble, and light-fingered. Armed with their cellos and bows they are going into battle, accepting every challenge they encounter: great danger, the unknown, and bumps in the road ahead. The Cello Warriors are making their bows clash like swords. They create a maze of unfamiliar string sounds to make sure their opponent gets lost. Using both laughter and thrilling music the Cello Warriors move gracefully in battle. What power would you need to become a warrior?

Cello Warriors is a three-part dance concert by 3 choreographers about acting tough, winning and losing, being vulnerable and the power of music, featuring 3 music pieces by Bartók, Glass and Ligeti.

Cello Warriors is a coproduction with Cello Octet Amsterdam.


On stage

On stage


Sanne Bijker, Sanne van der Horst, Rares Mihailescu, René van Munster, Alistair Sung, Eduard Ninot Roig, Claire Bleumer, Esther Torrenga.

Cello Octet Amsterdam stands for new music and successful crossovers between various musical styles and arts. Thanks to the ensemble’s radiant performances, the Octet is able to offer original works by today’s most notable composers. The Octet has played over 70 first performances, most of them dedicated to the Octet. www.cellooctet.com

Cello Octet Amsterdam and Oorkaan previously created the successful concert Cellostorm, which was nominated for the YEAH Awards 2015 and the YAMawards 2013 and has been performed all over the world.

Behind the scenes

Choreography Jochem Stavenuiter, Josephine van Rheenen, Pim Veulings
Final director Jochem Stavenuiter
Scenography Sanne Oostervink
Light design Tim van ’t Hof
Dramaturgy Erin Coppens
Artistic direction Caecilia Thunnissen & Sanne Bijker



Jochem Stavenuiter is the artistic director of the Dutch physical theatre company Bambie, which he founded with Paul van der Laan in 1995. From 2014 until 2016 Jochem was an actor with the Noord Nederlands Toneel. For Oorkaan, Jochem previously made the successful productions The Suleikas and the Mystery of the Sensitive Chord with Trio Suleika and The Square of Mr. Sax with the Ebonit Saxophone Quartet.

Choreographer and former dancer Pim Veulings graduated at the Amsterdam University of the Arts as a dancer. He started his carreer at the Dutch National Opera & Ballet in Amsterdam, working together with directors such as Pierre Audi, David Alden and Peter Sellers. As a choreographer he worked amongst others for Orkater, the Dutch Nationale Reisopera and DeLaMar Theater. Pim was involved in the world premiere of Philip Glass’s The Lost for Landestheater Linz, and The Exterminating Angel by Thomas Ades for Salzburger Festspiele.

Josephine van Rheenen studied contemporary dance at Theaterschool Amsterdam and started as a dancer with De Dansers, a Dutch Dance company for young audiences. In 2014, she and Guy Corneille succeeded Wies Merkx as artistic directors of De Dansers. Since then, Josephine has been creating work for young audiences and grownups, presented at Dutch festivals such as Oerol, CaDance festival and elsewhere.

The music

Béla Bartók – Romanian Dances
György Ligeti – Musica Ricercata
Philipp Glass – Dracula

Arrangement by Cello Octet Amsterdam

“"In three sparkling choreographies the cello is being used both as weapon and as shield, and is being played upon at a high level not only while sitting, but most of all also while lying down and walking ánd even in outer space. Oorkaan and Cello Octet Amsterdam illustrate how ridiculous it is to think that to intrigue children with classical music, you have to set the bar low. It is rather the other way around: while children are open for new sounds, Cello Warriors opens especially also the more mature ears for contemporary sounds they incorrectly see as difficult (Ligeti) or boring (Glass)."”

Aankomende concerten

Met het Maat Saxofoon Kwartet
9:00 uur,

International School Utrecht

Superball, Lollipop & Mr. Classic
14:00 uur,

Stadsschouwburg Utrecht

met het Maat Saxophone Quartet
14:00 uur,

VIP Kids première
Podium Mozaïek, Amsterdam

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