Hearing play Romeo and Juliet

How does it sound?

Oorkaan and the Concertgebouw Orchestra tell their own version of the story of perhaps the most famous love couple of all time in this radio play with music by Tchaikovsky and actors Jouman Fattal and Steven Stavast...Romeo and Juliet.

A long time ago there was a street where two families lived, Romeo's family and Juliet's family. The families had quarreled for so long that no one knew anymore what the quarrel was actually about. The in love Romeo and Juliet want only one thing, to no longer live in the street of hate, but in the street of peace and love. In this, Romeo and Juliet choose a different ending.

Based on the family concert Romeo and Juliet by the Concertgebouw Orchestra i.c.w. Oorkaan, directed by Caecilia Thunnissen.


behind the scenes

music Tchaikovsky: Fantasy Overture 'Romeo and Juliet'
implementation The Concertgebouw Orchestra
conductor Gustavo Gimeno
text Sanne Schuhmacher
concept and direction Caecilia Thunnissen
dramaturgy Erin Coppens
music dramaturgy Lili Schutte
actors/voices Jouman Fattal and Steven Stavast
recording and editing Frans de Rond
concert recording Everett Porter, Polyhymnia



Caecilia Thunnissen
Director Caecilia Thunnissen, artistic director of Oorkaan since 2015, has a mission to allow the "total performer" in the performing arts to flourish as much as possible. For Oorkaan, she directed among others. Laat me met rust! with The Netherlands Chamber Orchestra, and Muzikale Catwalk and Tarantula and The Dance of the Animals with the Concertgebouw Orchestra. With Tickle she recently won the 2020 YAMaward, the international award for best musical productions for young audiences. In 2021, she will create a youth production for the Salzburg Festival, the world's most renowned festival of opera and music.

The Concertgebouw Orchestra
The Concertgebouw Orchestra has been among the absolute best in the world for 130 years. Critics repeatedly praise the orchestral sound, which is recognizable out of thousands. The strings sound "velvety," the brass has a "golden" sound, the timbre of the woodwinds is very personal, and the percussionists from Amsterdam have gained world fame.

Jouman Fattal
Jouman Fattal is an actress, playwright and writer and has played at the Toneelmakerij and MAAS Theater en Dans, among others. Jouman has also appeared in series such as Zuidas, Flikken Maastricht, Moordvrouw, and played the lead role in Project Orpheus (nomination Silver Nutcracker) and the film Fortune Seekers. Recently, she voiced all the audiobooks of Harry Potter.

Steven Stavast
Steven Stavast is an actor and graduated from the Toneelschool Arnhem in 2007, after which he played and made performances with the Noord Nederlands Toneel, Grand Theatre, De Citadel and De Peergroup, among others. On TV Steven could be seen in Grijpstra en De Gier, De brief voor de koning and Het Bombardement.

for home

for home

Listen to the wonderful radio play Romeo & Juliet and color this coloring page in the meantime. Take a picture of the result, mail this picture to publiciteit@oorkaan.nl and have a chance to win a free download of a new Oorkaan Hearing Play!

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Upcoming concerts

Oorkaan Ensemble
12:30 pm,

The Concertgebouw, Amsterdam
Lunch concert Muse of South

with the Oorkaan Ensemble
4 p.m.,

Muse of South, Amsterdam

Oorkaan Ensemble
8 p.m,

Vondelkerk, Amsterdam
Final concert Muse of South

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