Hearing Game Black Monster
How does it sound?
Using piano music by Debussy, Mendelssohn, Brahms and Chopin as a starting point, a poetic and exciting encounter between Mr. Tobias and a Black Piano Monster takes place in this radio play by Oorkaan.
It is a cold bleak night. Mr. Tobias is reading a book in his armchair. Suddenly the lights go out and the big black grand piano makes noise out of nowhere. It roars, it roars, the keys are pressed without anyone sitting there. But then Mr. Tobias hears the wing's cry. Mr. Tobias knows for sure: wings get sick with grief if you don't touch them for too long. He strokes its keys and puts his arm around it. Since that night, everything is different ...
Inspired by Oorkaan's theatrical concert Mister Tobias and the Black Monster with Tobias Borsboom and Vitaly Medvedev directed by Dagmar Slagmolen.
behind the scenes
music Claude Debussy, Felix Mendelssohn, Johannes Brahms, Frederic Chopin
piano playing Tobias Borsboom
text Sanne Schuhmacher
dramaturgy Caecilia Thunnissen
recording registry Hans Smit and Caecilia Thunnissen
actor/voice Gustav Borreman
recording and editing Frans de Rond

Caecilia Thunnissen
Director Caecilia Thunnissen, artistic director of Oorkaan since 2015, has a mission to allow the "total performer" in the performing arts to flourish as much as possible. For Oorkaan, she directed among others. Laat me met rust! with The Netherlands Chamber Orchestra, and Muzikale Catwalk and Tarantula and The Dance of the Animals with the Concertgebouw Orchestra. With Tickle she recently won the 2020 YAMaward, the international award for best musical productions for young audiences. In 2021, she will create a youth production for the Salzburg Festival, the world's most renowned festival of opera and music.

Gustav Borreman
Gustav Borreman graduated from the Theaterschool Amsterdam in 1997. With his youth theater group Lange Mannen he has been creating musically and philosophically tinged performances for ten years. In recent years he has appeared in the television series Soof and Penoza, among others. He gained fame as Abi's father in the series of the same name. Gustav plays the father in De Familie van Nielie, a four-part big screen serial by youth theater group Kwatta. Part 2 of this was made in co-production with Oorkaan.
for home

Listen to the wonderful radio play Black Monster and color this coloring page in the meantime. Take a picture of the result, email this picture to publiciteit@oorkaan.nl and have a chance to win a free download of a new Oorkaan Hearing Game!
Download HERE the coloring page.
Upcoming concerts
2:30 p.m.,
Bimhuis, Amsterdam
10:30 am,
Bimhuis, Amsterdam
School concert
12:30 pm,
Bimhuis, Amsterdam
School concert
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