The Little Night Orchestra

How does it sound?

It is the middle of the night. The mouse catches the boy, the boy catches the cat, the cat catches the mouse and together they catch the music. Ra ra, what about that?

The Boy is sleeping soundly. Mouse is wide awake. She plays the violin and is urgently looking for a conductor for her Mouse Orchestra. The boy whose grandfather was a conductor? But it turns out he can't conduct at all... Not to worry, he knows someone else who can tame mice perfectly. The Boy goes with Mouse to the kitchen where Kat lives, who happens to be fantastic at conducting, but unfortunately is also fond of mice. Panic! The Boy devises a ruse....

The Little Night Orchestra is a music performance by philharmonie zuidnederland for the youngest groups of primary schools. Three musicians of the orchestra, a violinist, cellist and a clarinetist come to school to play the performance. In the performance there is room for participation of the children with material they have learned in the preparatory lessons. The music of Tchaikovsky, Prokofiev, Milhaud, Bach, Mozart and Joplin, among others, is very visually interwoven with the storyline.

Played from Sept. 29, 2014 to June 8, 2016.

On Stage

Monique Pellens violin
Karel Plessers
Sanne de Graaf


Dagmar Slagmolen Direction
Steffie van Lamoen set and costume

Upcoming concerts

Superball, Lollipop & Mr. Classic
11:00 a.m.,

Elbphilharmonie Hamburg

Superball, Lollipop & Mr. Classic
2:00 p.m.,

Elbphilharmonie Hamburg

Superball, Lollipop & Mr. Classic
10:00 am,

Elbphilharmonie Hamburg

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