Romeo and Juliet

New ending

In this Family Concert for children ages 6 and up, we are introduced to Romeo and Juliet, perhaps the most famous love couple of all time. Shakespeare once wrote a play about them that did not end particularly well. The Russian composer Tchaikovsky felt so sorry for Romeo and Juliet that he later composed a piece of music: the Fantasy overture "Romeo and Juliet.

With Tchaikovsky's music and two actors, the Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra and Oorkaan tell their own version of the age-old story for a young audience. In it, Romeo and Juliet themselves choose a new ending. A concert conducted by Nuno Coelho, with beautiful music, a contemporary poetic text, humor and of course... love!

Recommended age: 6 to 106

Listening guide:

On the stage

On the stage

The Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra has been among the absolute best in the world for 125 years. What makes the orchestra unique? Critics repeatedly praise the orchestral sound, which is recognizable out of thousands. The strings sound "velvety," the brass has a "golden" sound, the timbre of the woodwinds is very personal, and the percussionists from Amsterdam have gained world fame.

The special acoustics of The Concertgebouw, built to a design by architect A.L. van Gendt, play an important role in this. We are therefore proud that Oorkaan, together with the Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra, has the honor of presenting a concert like Romeo and Juliet in the Great Hall of the Concertgebouw.

The Concertgebouw Amsterdam co-developed the participatory school concert version.

Amy van der Weerden
Amy van der Weerden

Amy van der Weerden graduated from the acting program at Toneelacademie Maastricht in 2015. She played in several stage productions: 'TheDreaming' (i.c.w. De Warme Winkel), 'Het Ontmoetingsbureau' and 'Better Safe Than Sorry' by Merel Smitt, 'Paradise Pigs' and 'Oor Overboord' by Jan Jasper de Vries, 'Kaptka' and 'Scherven' by Sytze Schalk.

Amy starred in the Netflix series 'Toon' and the web series 'When we had the time'. She also starred in the television series "Anne+" and in the romantic comedy "Single39.

Jacob de Groot
Jacob de Groot

Jacob de Groot studied at Amsterdam's Toneelschool en Kleinkunstacademie. After graduating, he worked alternately as a (music theater) actor and independent maker, including with De Toneelmakerij, Het Concertgebouw, AYA, Bellevue Lunchtheater, Karavaan Festival, De Theateralliantie and Orkater. In 2019, he founded the collective KONVOOI, which will present its first performance at Orkater/De Nieuwkomers. ILIAS developed. For his role in Fiddler on the Roof he won the 2018 Musicalaward for best up-and-coming talent. In addition to playing and writing, he is also a trained singer and classical pianist.

Behind the scenes

Sanne Schuhmacher
Sanne Schuhmacher

Sanne is a playwright. She studied at the Koningstheateracademie in Den Bosch and at the Writing for Performance program at the HKU in Utrecht.
She writes stage texts for BonteHond, NTjong, Bellevue Lunchtheater, The Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra in collaboration with Oorkaan, among others. The play text Island which she wrote within the studio of the Toneelmakerij was selected for the Stückenpool of the Dutch German playwright award Kaas & Kappes.


Actors: Amy van Weerden and Jacob de Groot

Text: Sanne Schuhmacher
Direction: Caecilia Thunnissen
Directing Assistant 2023: Zephyr Brüggen
Dramaturgy: Erin Coppens
Music dramaturgy: Lilli Schutte
Costumes 2018: Clement & Sanou
Costume Adjustments 2023: Maartje Prins
Lighting Design 2018: Mike Evers
Lighting Design 2023: Desirée van Gelderen

Composer/arranger participation school concert: Thomas Beijer

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