How does it sound?
What does a door sound like? Three friends, six hands, thirty fingers, three doors and more. They beat, rumble, sweep, swish, pound and sweep. Who is the fastest, the smartest? Who dares to be silent the longest? Rhythms fly around your ears and cymbals spin around. Doors make music and sticks sing. A concert where your eyes and ears are in short supply!
In Drum Fire, the scenery is not only fun to see, but also to listen to. The idea behind Drum Fire is that any sound can be music and rhythm, from the beating of your heart to slamming doors.
Premiere: September 13, 2009 at The Concertgebouw Amsterdam.
Last played March 15, 2015.
On Stage
Twitching Eye Trio:
Jasper Goedman percussion
Achim Heine percussion
Marijn Korff de Gidts percussion
Claire Leenaers/Klaus Jürgens Direction
Zita Winnubst costumes
Desirée van Gelderen lighting design
Saskia Koenders Technic
From the Press
'In Drum Fire [...] rhythm takes center stage and it becomes clear that no calibrated instruments are needed at all to make music.' (Frederike Berntsen, The Telegraph, Oct. 15, 2009)
'The key to the performance's success lies in the tension the trio builds in short, sketch-like percussion pieces. In which the word "percussion" should be interpreted broadly. [...] Anyone who looks at the faces of the children in the audience at the final piece, in which cymbals are used as spinning tops, knows that Trommelvuur is definitely a successful experience.' (Slagwerkwereld, Oct. 16, 2009)
Upcoming concerts
11:00 a.m.,
Elbphilharmonie Hamburg
2:00 p.m.,
Elbphilharmonie Hamburg
10:00 am,
Elbphilharmonie Hamburg
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