Educational materials Mr. Tobias and the Black Monster
Digital Teaching Materials
Download here the teaching materials in preparation for the visit to Mr. Tobias and the Black Monsterr. The accompanying videos and sound clips can be found and viewed below. Have fun!
How does time sound?
The cottage is small, but Mr. Tobias lives there contentedly and happily by himself. Until one weekday Thursday, in the morning at ten o'clock sharp, the bell rings. Mr. Tobias goes to see and it turns his world upside down. Clocks turn, a coat dances around the room, and the room is filled with wondrous sounds. Mr. Tobias and the Black Monster is a funny and poetic visual adventure with piano music.
Videos accompanying the teaching materials
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Upcoming concerts
2:30 p.m.,
Bimhuis, Amsterdam
10:30 am,
Bimhuis, Amsterdam
School concert
12:30 pm,
Bimhuis, Amsterdam
School concert
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