Jitters winner YAMawards!

Tuesday evening, Oct. 20, 2020, a live stream on Facebook and YouTube announced that Kriebel, the international co-production of Oorkaan, De Nationale Opera and Philharmonie Luxembourg, has won the Young Music Audiences Award (YAMaward) 2020 in the Best Small Ensemble category. This ensemble consists of violin-playing singer Tiemo Wang, dancing percussionist Vitaly Medvedev and singing dancer Sarah Reynolds. They were trained according to the Oorkaan method at Oorkaan's training center for musicians.
The YAMawards honors creativity and innovation in musical productions for young audiences, from around the world, created by professional ensembles of all forms, with the Best Small Ensemble category as the king category. The YAMawards jury consists of journalists and representatives of opera houses and concert halls from around the world.
The jury on Tickle/Tickle:
"Very high level. The artists are excellent. Many nice ideas and great movements. It is just amazing how sometimes a performance becomes something more. Here it happens. The artists are so skillful in all areas, movements, navigating the stage and communicating. Playing their instruments and singing. The preciseness of all the artistic intentions is a delight. To make art for children from 2 till 5 years and still make it interesting for all ages, also parents is extremely difficult, but in this production they have nailed it."
The YAMawards are the international awards for the best music productions for young audiences. From the 30 submitted music productions within the category Best Small Ensemble, four productions were nominated by an international professional jury. From these finalists Kriebel, directed by Caecilia Thunnissen, was chosen as the international award winner.
The winning toddler production Kriebel was directed by Caecilia Thunnissen, with a new composition of Leonard Evers and a choreography of Milena Sidorova. Violin-playing singer Tiemo Wang, dancing percussionist Vitaly Medvedev and singing dancer Sarah Reynolds will take you through a playful encounter between dance, music and voice, tickling all the senses.
Caecilia Thunnissen shared with Leonard Evers a fascination with the phenomenon of "synesthesia," the blending of senses. In Kriebel, music, song and dance merge ín the performers in a three-dimensional design of set and costumes. Read HERE further.
- View the TRAILER From Kriebel;
- Read HERE An interview with Caecilia Thunnissen and Leonard Evers in Odeon;
- Read HERE the review of Place de l'Opera;
- Read HERE An interview with Leonard Evers at Place de l'Opera.
Direction Caecilia Thunnissen composition Leonard Evers choreography Milena Sidorova vocals and violin Tiemo Wang percussion and dance Vitaly Medvedev dance and voice Sarah Reynolds dramaturgy Erin Coppens set design Tessa Verbei costume design Merel van Marken Lichtenbelt lighting design Tiedo Wilschut composition commission thanks to Fonds Podiumkunsten
Caecilia Thunnissen

Caecilia Thunnissen, director and artistic director of Oorkaan since 2015,'s mission is to allow the "total performer" in the performing arts to flourish as much as possible. For Oorkaan, she directed, among others, Let me be alone! (2017) with The Netherlands Chamber Orchestra, and Musical Catwalk (2017), Romeo & Juliet (2018) and Tarantula and the Dance of the Animals (2018) with musicians from the Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra. In 2019, Caecilia was asked to create a youth production for the 100th anniversary of the Salzburg Festival, the world's most renowned festival of opera, music and theater. Schräg/Strich with the Beija Flor Quartet will premiere in 2021 in Salzburg, Austria. Read HERE further.
Youth music company Oorkaan plays theatrical concerts for young audiences with professional musicians. Oorkaan allows as many small and large ears as possible to discover the infinite world of music. Classical music from all over the world, past and present, sounds in theatrical and surprising forms. Just like a concert, an Oorkaan performance is (almost) without words and there are only musicians on stage. You are looking out for your ears! hurricane.nl
National Opera & Ballet is the institution for opera and ballet, presenting both traditional and innovative opera and ballet productions of top quality.
Philharmonie Luxembourg is Luxembourg's premier concert hall, presenting and producing high-quality musical productions.
This is the third time Oorkaan has received a YAMaward. Oorkaan won two YAMawards twice before: with Glimp in 2015 for Best Production of the Year and Best Small Ensemble, and with Skyggespill (Shadowmusic) in 2018 with the Norwegian Chamber Orchestra for Best Production of the Year and Best Large Ensemble. In 2013, Oorkaan was nominated with the Cello Octet Amsterdam for Cellostorm.
Kriebel premiered at Nationale Opera & Ballet in Amsterdam on Oct. 19, 2019, and is slated to reprise from Oct. 10, 2020.