To the sharks?
How does it sound?
They have a father, but no love. They have a plate, but no food. They have a bed, but no blanket. But they have each other. And they tell each other stories and dream of being king, or explorer, princess or ... pirate. And so it happens that pirate Black John together with boatman Hassan, Lange Arie, Bange Joost and Sailor Rob set sail and sail across the seas, from north to south, from west to east. In search of gold and eternal fame.
Premiere: November 2, 2014 at the Concertgebouw Amsterdam.
Last played May 26, 2016.
On the stage
Ro Krauss music/game
Willem van Baarsen music/game
Rogier Bosman music/game
Sanne van Delft music/game
Jon Bittman music/game
Margrith Vrenegoor Direction
Tom Verheijen set and lighting design
Judith de Zwart costumes
Hein Drost/Menno Riemersma design
Wouter Moscou Technic
Music by Rogier Bosman, Willem van Baarsen, Wëreldbänd, Gritos de Guerra, Duke Ellington,Taraf de Haïdouks, Astor Piazzolla and traditional music from Sweden, Sardinia and Armenia.
Upcoming concerts
2:30 p.m.,
Bimhuis, Amsterdam
10:30 am,
Bimhuis, Amsterdam
School concert
12:30 pm,
Bimhuis, Amsterdam
School concert
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