Educational material Pace

How does it sound?

When you talk about music, you talk about time. And time is endless, especially when you're seven. Or seven-and-a-half, almost eight, next week, the day after tomorrow, tomorrow, one more night of sleep. And time disappears when you are sucked into a world full of wonder. It seems then to be the most infinite. Until it is suddenly over.

The members of the Oorkaan Ensemble tear through the musical dimension like experienced game avatars. They rush, jump, collide, run and come to a stop again. But who actually sets the tempo? The rhythms are flying around their ears! If only that goes well... Playing with notes, chords and each other, we take a journey through music full of unexpected twists and surprising musical levels. We turn left, right or miss a turn but always end up back on the same track.

As masters of their musical controllers, they master their instruments to perfection, playing Western classical in "Tempo," with pieces by Beethoven, Brahms and Vivaldi. As if that were not enough, they also unlock new levels with contemporary classical works composed especially for them by Martijn Padding. Unbound by sheet music, chairs, or other conventions with legs, they make time fly forward simultaneously and stand still for just under an hour. A theatrical concert like a black hole into which you are sucked. Until you fall out again at the end, on your seat in the concert hall.

Age recommendation: 7 to 107
Language No Problem

Upcoming concerts

Superball, Lollipop & Mr. Classic
11:00 a.m.,

Elbphilharmonie Hamburg

Superball, Lollipop & Mr. Classic
2:00 p.m.,

Elbphilharmonie Hamburg

Superball, Lollipop & Mr. Classic
10:00 am,

Elbphilharmonie Hamburg

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