For the neighborhood, with the neighborhood: In the neighborhood & pop-up concerts with the Grachtenfestival

Open Day at the Kempenaerstudios
In 2024 Oorkaan launched a brand new concert series: In the neighborhood. A theatrical concert with top musicians as you are used to from Oorkaan, in a community center, library or church in your neighborhood.
The kickoff of the In the Neighborhood series was given with The day dad fell. Two ironclad jazz musicians explored their soft side and shared it with a young audience. During the Open Day of the Kempenaerstudios, where our office is located, attracted The day dad fell many young local residents.
Besides the theatrical concert, the neighborhood also got a look behind the scenes at Oorkaan. A musical scavenger hunt through our office introduced parents and children to our team and put their brains to work. A day full of music, connection and fun!
Pup concerts in Amsterdam North during the Grachtenfestival
During the Grachtenfestival, Oorkaan brought music to the neighborhoods of Amsterdam North with a series of pop-up concerts, in collaboration with Stichting Spin and Diaconie Noord. The goal? To introduce children and families from the surrounding neighborhoods of Likeminds and the Tolhuistuin to music.
The productions Takadaaaap with the Maat Saxophone Quartet and The Day Daddy Fell with Matteo Paggi and Aviv Noam found their way into neighborhood playgrounds and the social market at the Diaconate. It was wonderful to see the faces we met during these pop-ups back in the room later.